Nestled high in the mountains of Divide, Colorado, the Double Eagle Ranch sprawls across nearly a thousand acres of land that whispers tales of its farming past. Now a guardian of nature under the Palmer Land Conservancy’s wing, this land stands as a sanctuary, destined to remain untouched by the hands of development. Surrounded by a tapestry of diverse landscapes, from the bustling Highway 24 to the serene Elk Valley Estates and the dense Pike National Forest, the ranch is a jewel in the crown of the local community. Its position offers unparalleled views of Pikes Peak, a silent witness to the history and beauty of the region.

A Home for Cattle and Yaks Alike

Amidst this natural splendor, the PBJ Cattle Company has made its mark by nurturing a modest herd of cattle, their forms a familiar sight against the backdrop of the ranch’s lush pastures. Yet, in recent times, a new silhouette has captured the attention of passersby – the imposing figure of the yak. These creatures, with their thick coats and distinctive horns, bring a piece of the Himalayas to the Colorado highlands. Domesticated for their strength, fiber, and nourishment, the yaks at Double Eagle Ranch roam freely, embodying the spirit of adaptation and survival.

  1. The PBJ Cattle Company is renowned for its commitment to sustainable agriculture, prioritizing the health of its land and animals. Its cattle are raised on a diet of natural grasses, ensuring they lead healthy, stress-free lives;
  2. Beyond cattle, the ranch has diversified to include yaks, a testament to its innovative approach to ranching. The yaks’ presence adds a unique dimension to the ranch’s operations, offering products like high-quality yak fiber and lean, nutritious meat;
  3. The introduction of yaks has also sparked interest in local biodiversity. These animals are well-suited to the Colorado climate, with their thick fur offering protection against cold winters, showcasing the ranch’s role in promoting animal welfare and environmental stewardship;
  4. The yaks at Double Eagle Ranch are more than just livestock; they are a symbol of the ranch’s dedication to preserving traditional ranching practices while embracing new opportunities. Their successful integration reflects the ranch’s broader philosophy of harmony with nature;
  5. Visitors to the ranch are often intrigued by the yaks, drawn to their majestic appearance and gentle demeanor. The ranch offers educational tours that highlight the importance of sustainable farming practices and the role of yaks in their ecosystem;
  6. The ranch’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond its animal husbandry practices. It engages in water conservation efforts, soil restoration projects, and the use of renewable energy sources, making it a model for eco-friendly agriculture;
  7. The PBJ Cattle Company and Double Eagle Ranch’s approach to ranching has not only benefited the environment and the local community but has also set a precedent for other ranches. Their success with both cattle and yaks illustrates the potential for diversified farming practices to contribute to a more sustainable and resilient agricultural sector;
  8. The story of the PBJ Cattle Company and Double Eagle Ranch is one of innovation, resilience, and respect for nature. It serves as a reminder of the importance of adapting traditional practices to meet contemporary challenges, ensuring the longevity and prosperity of ranching in Colorado.

The Harmonious Relationship Between Humans and Animals

At the heart of this pastoral idyll is Jessica Burton, the ranch’s dedicated manager, who, along with her father, Bob, has forged a deep bond with the animals under their care. Inspired by the principles of Temple Grandin, their approach to animal management emphasizes empathy, respect, and a profound understanding of animal behavior. This connection is evident in their daily interactions with the yaks and cattle, from the careful hand-feeding of nutrient-rich treats to the design of stress-minimizing facilities. It’s a relationship built on mutual trust and a shared history, reflecting a broader commitment to ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Education, Experience, and Ethical Practices

Jessica Burton’s journey into ranch management is a compelling narrative of education meeting experience, culminating in a profound understanding of agriculture and sustainability. Her academic journey began with a focus on animal science, where she delved into the complexities of animal behavior, genetics, and nutrition. This foundation was broadened with studies in agri-business economics, offering insights into market trends, business management, and the economic aspects of farming operations. Jessica’s education was not just confined to the classroom; it extended to the field, where hands-on experience from a young age at her family’s farm provided her with invaluable practical skills. Her involvement in daily farm operations, from livestock care to crop management, has imbued her with a pragmatic understanding of the challenges and rewards of ranching.

Her work at the PBJ Cattle Company is a testament to her commitment to sustainable farming practices. Jessica’s approach to ranch management is holistic, considering not just the economic viability of the ranch but also its impact on the environment. She views ranching as a component of a larger ecosystem, emphasizing practices that enhance soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity. This perspective is informed by her academic background and personal experience, reflecting a belief in the importance of sustainable agriculture for future generations.

  1. Academic Foundations: Jessica’s journey began with an immersive education in animal science and agri-business economics, providing her with a deep theoretical understanding of animal behavior, genetics, nutrition, and the economic principles guiding agri-business;
  2. Practical Experience: From a young age, Jessica was actively involved in her family’s farm operations, gaining hands-on experience in livestock care, crop management, and day-to-day farm decision-making processes.
  3. Holistic Understanding: Her studies and experiences have given Jessica a comprehensive insight into the complexities of ranching, blending scientific knowledge with practical skills;
  4. Sustainable Practices: At the PBJ Cattle Company, Jessica applies her knowledge towards promoting sustainable ranching practices, focusing on soil health, water conservation, and biodiversity as key components of ecosystem management;
  5. Educational Philosophy: Jessica’s approach underscores the importance of education in advancing sustainable agricultural practices, demonstrating that a well-informed management style can lead to more environmentally friendly and economically viable farming operations.

The Yak – A Sustainable Choice

The decision to introduce yaks to the Double Eagle Ranch was motivated by a vision for sustainable and community-focused ranching. These animals, well-adapted to the high-altitude environment of the ranch, play a vital role in its ecological balance, enhancing land biodiversity and providing a source of high-quality, nutritious meat. The yaks’ presence on the ranch is more than just an agricultural venture; it’s a step towards a more sustainable and ethical approach to livestock farming. Through their work with yaks, Jessica and Bob Burton demonstrate how traditional ranching can embrace innovative practices for the benefit of the environment, the community, and the animals themselves.

Culinary Adventures and Nutritional Benefits

The culinary exploration of yak meat, prompted by its unique flavor profile and nutritional advantages, adds another dimension to the story of the Double Eagle Ranch. As interest in alternative meats grows, the ranch’s yak products offer a glimpse into the potential for sustainable, health-conscious cuisine. This journey from pasture to plate not only showcases the versatility of yak meat but also aligns with broader trends towards ethical consumption and environmental stewardship. Through their efforts, the Burtons invite us to reconsider our dietary choices and embrace the richness of nature’s bounty.

In the end, the narrative of the Double Eagle Ranch is one of harmony between human ambition and nature’s rhythms. It’s a place where the legacy of the land is preserved, where animals roam freely, and where sustainable practices pave the way for a future that honors our environmental and ethical responsibilities. Jessica and Bob Burton stand at the forefront of this vision, leading by example and inspiring others to follow the path of conscientious ranching and ecological awareness.