David Leinweber stands out as a promising candidate in the race for an at-large position on the Colorado Springs city council. His campaign and vision for the city were thoroughly examined in a comprehensive interview conducted by Bryan Grossman, Executive Editor at Sixty35 Media, and Shelly Roehrs, spokesperson for the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region. The conversation was part of a broader initiative to ensure transparency and provide voters with factual information, with a detailed fact-checking process validating the statements made during the interview. Information on Leinweber’s campaign platform and objectives can be found on his official candidate website.

In an ambitious project aimed at enhancing voter education, Sixty35 Media embarked on interviewing 23 candidates vying for mayoral and city council seats. Despite the challenge of two candidates being unreachable, the interviews were successfully published on March 8, aligning closely with the mailing of ballots to voters on March 10. These interviews, available on YouTube, served as a valuable resource for voters seeking to make informed decisions.

Interview Integrity and Fact-Checking

Fact-Check Summary

Leinweber’s interview included claims about the rate of military suicides and the salaries of City Council members in Denver and Fort Collins. His assertion that military suicides accounted for 30% of the total was corrected, with the actual figure being 47%, representing 59 out of 126 cases. Furthermore, Leinweber’s statements regarding the salaries for City Council positions in Denver and Fort Collins were also revised; he had cited figures of $120,000 and $75,000, respectively, while the actual salaries were verified to be $102,000 in Denver and $37,600 in Fort Collins.

Voter Engagement and Education

Sixty35 Media and League of Women Voters Collaboration

Sixty35 Media, in partnership with the League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region, announced the rebroadcasting of five pivotal candidate forums held between March 9 and 21. These forums were instrumental in providing voters with direct insights into the candidates’ platforms and policy positions. Available through various formats, including in-person attendance, livestreams, and podcast replays, these forums played a crucial role in the electoral process.

Sixty35 Vote Initiative

The Sixty35 Vote initiative stood as a testament to the commitment of Sixty35 Media to foster a well-informed electorate in the Pikes Peak Region. By offering detailed analysis and discussions on the candidates, political issues, and the dynamics of power within the local political landscape, the initiative aimed to empower citizens with the knowledge necessary to participate actively and thoughtfully in the democratic process.

Media Leadership and Innovation

Dave Gardner, as the Executive Producer of Podcasts for Sixty35 Media, brought a wealth of experience to the media outlet. With a background that spanned public radio and TV, filmmaking, community radio contributions, and podcast production, Gardner’s leadership and creative vision significantly enhanced the media outlet’s offerings. His involvement in producing popular podcasts like GrowthBusters and Conversation Earth added valuable perspectives to the conversations surrounding growth and environmental sustainability, enriching the media landscape of the Pikes Peak Region and beyond.