Candidates’ viewpoints on various issues related to the Colorado Springs municipal election have been highlighted in a recent questionnaire by Sixty35 news magazine. While topics like traffic congestion, water supply, and law enforcement remain crucial, candidates were also asked about other important issues they believe warrant attention.

Glenn Carlson emphasized the need to address landlord negligence, ensuring tenants are not subjected to substandard living conditions. He also highlighted the importance of equal maintenance across all areas of the city to avoid disparities.

Katherine Gayle underscored the importance of equity for people with disabilities, advocating for increased access to services, especially in housing. She also called for better oversight of special taxation districts to protect residents from potential financial risks.

Jane Northrup Glenn expressed interest in learning more about the city’s SmartCOS strategies, emphasizing the need for caution and transparency in implementing digital technologies for urban development.

Jaymen Johnson raised concerns about the low council salary, which he believes hampers diversity and inclusion by limiting the participation of individuals from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.

Gordon Klingenschmitt highlighted his leadership experience and track record, emphasizing his commitment to responsible government, business growth, support for the vulnerable, and defending constitutional rights.

David Leinweber emphasized the urgent need to address mental health issues, advocating for improved access to professional care, reduced stigma, early intervention, increased awareness, and stronger support systems.

Ronald Rainey proposed initiatives to hold tech companies accountable for investing in the local workforce, address infrastructure challenges, and tackle rising crime rates.

Brian Risley highlighted his motivation for running for City Council, emphasizing his commitment to making balanced decisions in the best interest of the community and building on the city’s achievements with collaborative leadership.

These diverse perspectives shed light on the range of issues facing Colorado Springs and the varied approaches candidates are proposing to address them.