Situated amidst the vibrant pulse of downtown life, La Fun Motel emerges as an emblem of both nostalgia and mystery. The neon glow of its signs beckons with the allure of hidden meetings, clandestine encounters, and the enigmatic tales of yesteryears. This piece endeavors to delve into the rich tapestry of La Fun Motel’s history and its present ambiance, peering into the echoes of its past that continue to resonate within its corridors. Embark with us on a voyage through time and intrigue, unraveling the enigmas that shroud this iconic establishment.

The Transformation Journey of La Fun Motel: A Historical Structure Awaits Its Destiny

In the heart of a community famed for its family-oriented ethos, stands the once thriving La Fun Motel, now a point of controversy due to its deteriorating condition. Constructed in 1937, this nostalgic building at 123 Manitou Ave., just 1.3 miles from the bustling town center, has been deserted for quite some time after the city decided to revoke its business license following several incidents involving unlawful activity. Today, it remains a symbol of urban decay, attracting criminal elements and vagrants who indulge in various forms of destructive activity, from break-ins to vandalism and even arson.

Currently, a fence with a developer’s poster protects the derelict property, indicating potential plans for redevelopment. The vicinity surrounding the motel, bar a few recent constructions like modern hotels, cannabis dispensaries, and some eateries, mirrors the motel’s state of disrepair. The area is quite underwhelming, lacking the aesthetic appeal needed to draw in tourists.

Many residents express concern about the rundown motel’s current state and its impact on the nearby community. They are eager to learn about the plans for this property. Here’s what needs to be considered:

  • Potential for redevelopment: The motel’s prime location makes it an appealing prospect for developers. Its proximity to the town center could make it an ideal spot for a new hotel or commercial complex;
  • Preserving the historical essence: Despite its current state, the La Fun Motel is a part of the area’s history. Any redevelopment plans should consider preserving the architectural elements that give this building its unique character;
  • Boosting local economy: Revamping the motel and its surrounding areas could attract more tourists and businesses, potentially boosting the local economy and improving the overall ambiance of the area;
  • Community involvement: Residents need to be kept informed and possibly involved in deciding the future of the property, ensuring any changes align with the community’s values and expectations.

Ultimately, the story of the La Fun Motel is a tale awaiting its climax. It is up to the community and the potential developers to decide what the next chapters will bring.

Revitalizing Manitou Springs: The Role of the Urban Renewal Authority

Established in 2006, the Manitou Springs Urban Renewal Authority (MSURA) was created with the purpose of breathing new life into the east corridor of Highway 24 in Manitou Springs. Its mission is to eradicate despair and breathe life back into the region. Its operations are primarily financed through sales tax revenues, which became significantly more reliable following the legalization of recreational cannabis in Manitou Springs.

In her role as MSURA Board Chair, Debbie Sagen first became aware of the situation at the motel through a personal connection. Her daughter’s friend, a fellow student from Manitou Springs Elementary School, resided at the motel along with her large family, all living in a single room.

When Sagen joined the MSURA board in 2019, she noted a disturbing trend: the motel was increasingly being used for illegal short-term rentals. Within a year of her joining, the city began enforcement action. Despite the owners’ efforts, they were unable to comply with city codes, and, as a result, the motel was closed after their operating license was revoked.

Subsequently, the owners have listed the motel and its accompanying property for sale. As per records from El Paso County Assessor’s office, the total market value stands at approximately $702,562. The listed owner is Paragon Manitou Gardener LLC, registered in August, with a Littleton-based registered agent and a principal address in Fishers, Indiana.

Potential Buyers and Repercussions

As the motel is now on the market, potential outcomes to consider are:

  • Revitalization through redevelopment: If new owners with a vision for revitalization acquire the motel, it could be transformed from an eyesore into an asset for the community;
  • Preserving historic charm: With its deep roots in the community, maintaining the historic charm of the motel during renovations may garner positive responses from long-time residents;
  • Business opportunities: Businesses in the vicinity could potentially benefit from an increased customer base once the motel is renovated and starts attracting more visitors;
  • Community Impact: The future of the motel could significantly shape the community’s socio-economic landscape. The introduction of new businesses may increase job opportunities while improving local amenities.

The MSURA and the Future of La Fun Motel

Recently, the MSURA came to an agreement with a developer to purchase La Fun Motel with a view to redevelop it. The specifics of this redevelopment will depend upon how well it aligns with current building codes. There is also the potential for city planning authorities and local leadership to modify these codes to allow for a more innovative approach to the project.

Sagen stressed the importance of a solid public-private partnership for this type of redevelopment, given the condition of the properties within the MSURA’s portfolio, particularly La Fun. Managing asbestos and preparing the site pose significant challenges.

The Pikes Peak Regional Building Department only assumed jurisdiction over Manitou Springs in 1985, which has resulted in potential obstacles and issues to be addressed within the MSURA.

All-Phase Environmental Consultants, a renowned agency in asbestos mitigation, is thought to be part of the project, although they were not available for comment.

There was interest from a development group in late 2021, but the deal did not materialize. In February 2022, the Paragon group entered the fray, and in collaboration with the MSURA board, began crafting a development strategy during the first half of 2022.

Sagen confirmed that the board used its authority and resources to ensure the redevelopment by the Paragon team would come to fruition.

John Block, who is managing the development of the property, stated that residents could expect to see the La Fun being pulled down. The planning phase for this demolition is in its early stages, but this significant step in the redevelopment process promises a transformed vista for the local community. Block suggested that seeing the La Fun Motel finally make way for new development will be a satisfying sight for many residents.

Optimistic Prospect for the La Fun Motel Site

The Manitou Springs community holds an optimistic view about the La Fun Motel’s future. With a dearth of apartments in the area and a need for more retail outlets, particularly grocery stores, the motel’s site seems ripe for such development. This would not only bring convenience but also add vibrancy to the community.

The MSURA has played a significant role in making this transformation possible, with a development agreement in hand detailing how the MSURA funds will be allocated in the redevelopment process. Given the complexities and higher costs associated with developing these types of properties compared to vacant land, such assistance is crucial.

This essentially means that without financial support from the MSURA, transforming neglected areas like the La Fun Motel site would pose a significant challenge for developers. The Westside Avenue Action Plan’s successful completion marked a turning point, making the La Fun redevelopment project viable for the Paragon team. Without this, and of course, the financial backing of the MSURA, the project would have likely remained just a possibility.

Currently, a safer environment has been ensured around the property with the erection of a fence. Once all asbestos has been professionally and safely removed, the buildings will be demolished, paving the way for redevelopment. This will lead to several benefits for the residents of Manitou Springs. Firstly, the redeveloped property will significantly increase tax revenues, contributing more than the La Fun Motel ever did. Secondly, the new businesses that could potentially open up in the redeveloped site will stimulate economic activity in the area, benefiting the community at large.

Local Businesses Look Forward to La Fun Motel’s Revamp

Adam’s Mountain Café, a staple in the Manitou Springs community, is among the establishments that have been adversely affected by the unfortunate state of the La Fun Motel over the years. The café’s owner, Farley McDonough, revealed that the motel’s deterioration had not only resulted in visual blight but also increased instances of unlawful activities.

The frequent movement of individuals grappling with homelessness, addiction, and mental health issues between the motel and nearby 31st Street posed significant challenges, affecting the café’s operations. McDonough reported instances of theft with the stolen property later recovered at the abandoned motel site.

These alarming events necessitated stringent protective measures from Adam’s Mountain Café – for the staff, clientele, and the establishment itself. McDonough expressed concern over the motel’s dilapidated state deterring potential customers driving from the Highway 24 interchange.

However, things took a positive turn when McDonough decided to tap into the MSURA’s resources to resolve issues encountered during the upgrade of Adam’s building. While a construction loan was secured without any hurdles, unearthing the property unveiled several unexpected issues.

An inefficient grease-trap system, an unsteady flat roof above the kitchen, and a decaying sewage system became pressing issues that demanded immediate rectification. At this juncture, McDonough approached the URA for additional funding to fill the financial gap necessary to complete the renovation project.

During this process, McDonough adhered to ethical guidelines, abstaining from participating in any URA board discussions or voting due to her position on the board.

Local resident Karole Campbell, providing PR support for this project, commended the URA’s recent successes. These include the opening of the new Holiday Inn Express, significant improvements in Adam’s Mountain Café, and the installation of public art and new lighting. The legalization of marijuana in Manitou Springs, she pointed out, was a significant catalyst in stimulating the developments witnessed within the URA’s jurisdiction.

Campbell acknowledged the inherent challenges in redevelopment projects, particularly when compared to building on unutilized land. Mitigating hazardous materials, potential demolition of existing structures, and dealing with unknown underground structures are risk factors that can deter developers. However, the motivation to rejuvenate these territories and the financial support extended by the MSURA can sway investors towards undertaking these redevelopment projects.

Revamping the Heart of Manitou Springs: The Budgetary Roller Coaster

In a significant move last August, the Manitou Springs City Council altered the revenue stream earmarked for the MSURA. Previously, a slice of retail sales tax gathered in the Urban Overlay Zone was allocated for upgrading the area under MSURA’s jurisdiction. However, the council decided to withdraw this, apprehensive about the possible legalization of recreational marijuana sales in Colorado Springs and its potential impact on reducing tax income.

Young people at hostel room

Undoubtedly, the process of redeveloping a property can be a daunting financial endeavor. The high property values, coupled with the expenditures associated with demolition and infrastructural upgrades to prepare for redevelopment, often necessitate public assistance. This helps inspire property owners to rehabilitate or reconstruct their properties, providing an impetus to projects that might otherwise be considered financially impractical.

Jim Rees, the MSURA’s Executive Director, cited the La Fun Motel as a prime candidate for such support, due to its extreme state of decay. MSURA’s objective in providing financial assistance is to encourage projects that will serve as community assets. Key potential benefits from such developments include job creation, wider retail options, and housing opportunities. Additionally, it ensures steady, long-term tax revenue for city, county, and school district coffers.

Currently, MSURA is collaborating closely with Paragon to determine the most beneficial use of the motel site. Such a redevelopment must address the city’s requirements while also proving to be an economically viable venture. According to Rees, Paragon is currently assessing various possibilities, including retail spaces and multifamily housing options.

Transforming Manitou Springs: A Slow Yet Steady Progress

While the work on La Fun motel, riddled with complexity and challenges, might seem slow, it is undoubtedly progressing. As predicted by Jim Rees, the abatement of asbestos, the main hindrance in the demolition process, is close to completion, thereby paving the way for razing the dilapidated structure by next year.

Tracing the journey of East Manitou Springs, Farley McDonough envisions a brighter future. The upcoming transformation, she believes, will spur the growth of innovative businesses, expanding choices in dining and shopping. Despite the struggles faced by the community, McDonough sees this project as a catalyst, a spark that will ignite positive changes for the neighborhood’s east end.

Echoing McDonough’s sentiments, resident Karole Campbell draws a parallel between South Nevada Avenue and Manitou Springs. Through meticulous planning and execution, South Nevada Avenue has successfully metamorphosed from a blighted area into a vibrant community boasting newly constructed condos, a plethora of restaurants, and a range of shopping outlets. Referencing this impressive makeover, Campbell highlights the potential for a similar transformation in Manitou Springs.

Debbie Sagen, the board chair of MSURA, is eager to see this redevelopment project come to fruition. For Sagen, the prospect of enjoying a day out shopping, dining, and relaxing with her family in a rejuvenated neighborhood is indeed a tantalizing one. With her optimistic vision for the future, this redevelopment project feels like the best course of action to invigorate Manitou Springs.


In conclusion, La Fun Motel remains a captivating symbol of nostalgia and secrecy within the bustling heart of downtown. Its neon lights continue to whisper tales of clandestine gatherings and forgotten stories, drawing visitors into its timeless allure. By exploring its history and current state, we have unraveled the mysteries that make La Fun Motel an iconic and enduring establishment, inviting us to cherish its legacy and embrace the enigma it embodies.