In the vibrant political arena of Colorado Springs, Jaymen Johnson stands out as a strong contender vying for one of three at-large city council positions in the April 4, 2023 election. 

His recent interview, conducted by Sixty35 Media Executive Editor Bryan Grossman and League of Women Voters of the Pikes Peak Region Spokesperson Shelly Roehrs, shed light on Johnson’s platform and vision for the city. Let’s delve deeper into the details of this interview to understand what Jaymen Johnson brings to the table.

Unveiling Jaymen Johnson: A Closer Look at the Candidate

During the interview, Jaymen Johnson provided insights into his background, qualifications, and aspirations for Colorado Springs. His candidacy website serves as a hub for his campaign, offering comprehensive information about his policies and priorities. 

As voters prepare to cast their ballots, understanding Johnson’s perspective on key issues is crucial for making informed decisions. Additionally, Johnson’s active engagement with the community through various outreach efforts showcases his commitment to representing the interests of Colorado Springs residents.

Fact-Checking Jaymen Johnson: Ensuring Transparency and Accuracy

Maintaining journalistic integrity, Sixty35 Media rigorously fact-checked every aspect of the interview with Jaymen Johnson. The results revealed no discrepancies or inaccuracies, affirming the reliability of the information presented to the public.

This commitment to accuracy underscores the importance of transparency in the electoral process and instills confidence in voters regarding Johnson’s credibility as a candidate.

Informed Citizenship: Engaging with Sixty35 Vote

In addition to individual candidate interviews, Sixty35 Media is dedicated to providing voters with a comprehensive understanding of local political dynamics through initiatives like Sixty35 Vote. Citizens gain access to candidate forums, discussions on pertinent issues, and insights into the broader political landscape of the Pikes Peak Region. 

By actively participating in these forums and staying informed, voters empower themselves to make meaningful contributions to the democratic process and shape the future of their community.


As the April 4, 2023 election draws near, Jaymen Johnson’s candidacy presents an opportunity for Colorado Springs residents to influence the trajectory of their city. By engaging with Johnson’s platform, fact-checked interviews, and community forums facilitated by Sixty35 Media, voters can actively contribute to fostering positive change and progress.

 Let’s embrace civic engagement and collectively make our voices heard in the upcoming election to build a stronger and more inclusive Colorado Springs.