In the ever-changing realm of corporate leadership, the position of a CEO holds immense significance and is in a perpetual state of evolution. Throughout the year 2023, a particular individual distinguished herself from her peers, not only due to her impressive achievements but also because of her visionary mindset and unwavering dedication to driving innovation and expansion. Carrie McKee, serving as the CEO of COS (Creative Optimization Solutions), emerged as a transformative figure whose strategic choices reshaped the industry landscape, earning widespread admiration.

Exploring Carrie McKee’s journey and her impactful tenure as the CEO of COS unveils the core strategies, obstacles, and triumphs that define her unique leadership approach. From adeptly navigating market disruptions to cultivating a culture of ingenuity and teamwork, McKee’s leadership epitomizes resilience, foresight, and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. Let us embark on a journey through the remarkable narrative of Carrie McKee, a pioneer in the corporate domain whose leadership establishes a fresh benchmark for success within the business sphere.

A Glimpse into the Diverse World of Carrie McKee

Carrie McKee, the esteemed Senior Director of Rocky Mountain PBS Partnerships & Early Childhood Initiatives, is set to share her inspiring journey as a leader on Wednesday, January 8 at The Venue at Almagre. This captivating discussion, hosted by Sixty35 Executive Editor Bryan Grossman, will offer comprehensive insights into McKee’s leadership experiences and her approach to the challenges of our time.

The Venue at Almagre, located at 2460 Montebello Square Drive, will act as a nurturing ground for this enlightening conversation, which is scheduled from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Those interested in leadership and early childhood initiatives are invited to be part of this extraordinary dialogue.

A Life Interwoven with Athletics

Carrie McKee’s life, from her early days, has been inextricably linked with athletics, particularly basketball. McKee, who hails from Indiana, a region renowned for its basketball prowess, was raised with a steady diet of sports that played a central role in her upbringing.

As a young girl, McKee relocated to the Washington, D.C. area where her connection with sports continued to deepen. For McKee, the basketball court became her second home, transforming into a space synonymous with her classroom and community. Whether it was out on court or engaging in community activities, she showcased exemplary aptitude and dedication.

Legacy of Sports: A Family Affair

The impact of sports in Carrie McKee’s life was not a coincidence but rather part of a family heritage. Being the daughter of a former professional basketball player and a college sports administrator, her life was always surrounded by athletic fervor.

In her teen years, her family relocated to Washington, D.C., when her father accepted a sports administration role at George Washington University. This move proved to be a significant catalyst in honing her athletic abilities and shaping her sporting journey. Here, under her father’s guidance, Carrie further developed her basketball game, exploring new dimensions of the sport while strengthening her love for the game.

The Athletic Journey of Carrie McKee: From the Court to a Leadership Role

The saga of Carrie McKee is a fascinating blend of sports, passion, and leadership. Her athletic prowess was recognized from a young age as top Division I colleges showed a keen interest in welcoming her into their teams. The University of North Carolina was fortunate to secure her dedication, where she showcased her talents on the basketball court as a center/forward for the Tar Heels.

Her remarkable journey in the world of sports reached a pinnacle when she was part of the team that secured a 60-59 victory against Louisiana Tech in the women’s final of the 1994 NCAA championship. It was a testament to her exceptional skill and determination.

However, McKee’s life has been driven by more than just her sporting accomplishments. A significant turning point in her life occurred during her time in Washington, D.C., where she discovered her passion for the arts, a hobby that would later influence her career path.

A Diverse Palette: The Artistic Influence

While Washington, D.C., is known for its political influence, it is also rich in cultural and artistic offerings. Carrie’s mother ensured that her horizons were expanded beyond the basketball court by exposing her to various arts venues and events across the city. This exposure undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping her personality and widening her perspective.

While sports taught her invaluable lessons about leadership and team building, McKee acknowledges that her athletic journey ceased to be the central part of her life after her graduation. In her own words, the arts have been instrumental in redefining her career path and opening new doors.

Building a Career Beyond the Court

The seeds of her subsequent career trajectory were planted during her final days at UNC. A serendipitous encounter with an administrator from the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee led to an offer to work for the committee in Colorado Springs. McKee was intrigued by the opportunity and decided to embrace this new challenge.

After garnering worthwhile experience at the USOPC and later at Pikes Peak United Way, McKee embarked on her journey with Young Life, a non-profit religious organization. There, she dedicated almost a decade to teaching and mentoring teenagers, putting her leadership skills to effective use.

Serving Leadership at Rocky Mountain PBS

With her diversified exposure and broadened perspectives, Carrie McKee eventually embraced a leadership role at Rocky Mountain PBS. As a testament to her dedication and commitment, she says, “I am purpose-driven. Faith is a central piece for me. Often, it’s listening to what my inner voice has to say about what’s next for me.” Many of her career changes stemmed from this spiritual guidance. For Carrie McKee, her story has been equally about embracing change and pursuing her diverse passions.

Carrie McKee: A Passion for Making a Difference

Carrie McKee has a multi-faceted role that reflects her diverse passions and commitment to fostering positive change. She seamlessly combines fundraising, project management, and community engagement in her role at Rocky Mountain PBS (RMPBS), implementing strategies and initiatives that resonate with the needs of the communities she serves.

As a fundraiser, her work encompasses generating revenue through corporate partnerships, grants, and contributions from major donors, all of which are instrumental in ensuring RMPBS can continue to provide high-quality, educational content for audiences. At the same time, she works closely with a dedicated PBS team to generate public interest and engagement with their content and resources, leveraging pivotal connections within the community.

One of the initiatives that exemplifies McKee’s commitment to creating impact is the RMPBS KIDS project, which evolved in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Recognizing the pivotal role of PBS in not only entertaining but also educating children, the initiative aimed to continue supporting children’s learning and engagement during an unprecedented time of change.

Evolving Lessons Amidst a Pandemic: Colorado Classroom

The RMPBS KIDS initiative gave rise to a unique program titled “Colorado Classroom,” tailored specifically for children in kindergarten through to the third grade. This literacy learning program ran for two hours each morning, reaching hundreds of thousands of families throughout Colorado during a particularly challenging time.

The creation of the Colorado Classroom wasn’t a simple task. It required the collaboration of a wide range of stakeholders, from early childhood educators to educational entities and community brokers. Together, they curated quality content, promoted the resources, and secured funding to support the initiative.

The Power of Connection and Impact

One of the aspects that McKee cherishes most about her work is the opportunity to elicit positive change. She believes that when people see the potential for a positive impact on the communities they care about, they are more likely to contribute and share their resources.

But it’s not just about bringing people to the table, it’s about fostering genuine connections. That’s where McKee’s strengths lie, in connecting individuals, acknowledging their contributions, and ensuring they feel seen, heard, and valued. Ultimately, it’s about supporting individuals where they are, leveraging their strengths to create a collective impact, and fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.

Championing Change: The Methodical Approach of Carrie McKee

From bringing together diverse leaders to reshaping community narratives, Carrie McKee’s role transcends typical job descriptions. It involves identifying critical areas of improvement within the community and formulating effective strategies to address them, implementing a meticulous approach that involves recognizing strengths, recognizing opportunities, and mobilizing the right partners.

A Unified Front: Encouraging Multidisciplinary Cooperation

One of the outstanding projects she helmed was during her tenure at United Way. The endeavor, aptly named “Cradle to Career,” sought to fortify the community and drive growth. It involved rallying city leaders from various industries, government units, educational institutions, and both non-profit and for-profit organizations.

The idea was to leverage data-driven evidence to identify areas where a significant impact could be made. This collaborative effort gave rise to task forces dedicated to devising innovative and cooperative solutions, testament to the power of diverse perspectives working towards a common goal.

Lifting the Unheard: A Commitment to Representation at PBS

At Rocky Mountain PBS, the mission goes beyond providing quality content. They strive to offer a platform for voices and stories that often get overlooked, to ensure that every Coloradan feels seen and heard. It is a lofty goal, but one that McKee and her team are committed to achieving.

Determining Priorities: The Triple-Filter Approach

When it comes to choosing projects, McKee adopts a triple-filter approach based on impact, community relevance, and sustainability. This system allows her to assess potential initiatives, and if they don’t pass this test, they are not considered for further resources or time commitment.

It works like a sieve, filtering out any endeavor that lacks direct impact, holds little relevance to the communities they value most, or doesn’t present a feasible long-term plan. This method ensures that every project undertaken is meaningful, beneficial, and sustainable for the community in the long run.

People discussing business project

Mastering Mentorship through Athletic Lessons: The Philosophy of Carrie McKee

In the realm of leadership and mentorship, Carrie McKee strongly draws from her experiences on the basketball court. Her journey in sports, filled with tenacity and determination, has taught her the invaluable lesson of exceeding expectations—not through innate talent but hard work and an unyielding spirit.

Overcoming Obstacles through Persistence

As a child, while she did not possess any extraordinary athleticism or agility, McKee quickly understood the importance of vigorous effort and dedication. Her relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with her unwavering commitment to teamwork, quickly allowed her to surpass those around her. This philosophy of unwavering hard work, she believes, is directly transferrable to any endeavor.

Seeking Challenges for Growth

McKee’s mentorship philosophy revolves around the notion of pushing boundaries and accepting challenges wholeheartedly. Drawing parallels with her basketball days in Washington, D.C., she often recalls being one of the few girls playing amidst the boys. This dynamic, while it presented a fair share of challenges, honed her skills, resilience, and mental toughness. It was a crucible of growth that she highly recommends—placing oneself in challenging situations that ultimately foster strength and productivity.

Embracing Challenges as Opportunities

Motivated by defiance, McKee has a unique penchant for proving naysayers wrong—a trait she encourages in her mentees. The assertion that something is impossible serves as a catalyst for her, driving her to demonstrate the contrary. This mentality has shaped her greatest leadership lessons, teaching her that every imposition is a disguised opportunity.

The Keys to Success: Curiosity, Humility, and Presence

Above all, McKee prioritizes three fundamental traits for success: showing up, cultivating a sense of curiosity, and maintaining humility. This triad of characteristics, she believes, transcends the need for exceptional abilities. The act of being present, displaying readiness to learn, and expressing humility in all endeavors forms the cornerstone of her mentoring philosophy—a guiding principle for both personal and professional growth.


In conclusion, Carrie McKee’s leadership journey as the CEO of COS showcases a remarkable blend of strategic vision, resilience, and commitment to excellence. Her ability to navigate challenges, foster innovation, and drive growth has set a new standard for success in the corporate world. McKee’s story serves as an inspiration and a testament to the transformative power of visionary leadership, highlighting the importance of adaptability, creativity, and collaboration in achieving long-term organizational success.